Laurence Masclet, Philippe Goujon, “Origins, developments and future of the concept of innovation. Opening the economic framing of innovation to social, ethical, political parameters to achieve responsibility: strengths and limits” in HCC11 the 30 July – 1 August 2014 Turku, Finland.
Robert Gianni, Veikko Ikonen, John Pearson, Panel on Responsible Research and Innovation. "A Grounded Reflexive Approach to RRI", IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science and Technology, Chicago 23th - 24th May 2014.
Robert Gianni, Philippe Goujon – (2014) “Grounded Reflexivity: an approach to the polysemy of Responsible Research and Innovation” - 5th STS Italia Conference: A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science and Technology, Milan 12th -14th June.
Robert Gianni, John Pearson, Veikko Ikonen, (2014) “Responsible Innovation in Research: a Reflexive Governance to Scientific Development”, IEEE Ethics 2014, Chicago 23th - 24th May 2014.
Philippe Goujon (2014), “Participatory Governance frameworks for Responsible research and innovation , Gaps and Limits of Current Approaches” - Reaching all Sectors of Society with RRI ‐ Global Inclusive Innovation internal workshop – Beijing - China - 14 may 2014.
Philippe Goujon, Robert Gianni, John Pearson, (2014) “Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)in a Global Economy – A European participatory Perspective” – international conference – “Reaching all Sectors of Society with RRI ‐ Global Inclusive Innovation” - Beijing – China - 13 May 2014.
Robert Gianni, Laurence Masclet, P. Goujon (2014) – «De l’éthique à l’innovation responsable, quelle gouvernance des projets?- CIGREF "Ethique et Numérique, quels enjeux pour l'entreprise ?» - siège social de SCOR, 5 avenue Kléber, 75016 PARIS, 28 03 2014.
Philippe Goujon, Robert Gianni, John Pearson (2014) “ Governance frameworks for Responsible research and innovation – limits of actual procedural and participatoriy approaches” - keynote presentation - first Asia Pacific Responsible Business Innovation 2014 Workshop, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) – Merdeka Palace Hotel and Suites - Kutching Borne, Malaysia - 18th – 23rd February.
Robert Gianni, Philippe Goujon, (2013) “A three-fold conception of RRI” - Science in Society: the Conference - Copernicus Science Center – Warsaw – Poland – 23 11 2013
Laurence Masclet, Philippe Goujon (2013) – “Ethical skills for Information Systems professionals” - Competences for Belgian ICT professionals CEPIS Bruxelles – 21 10 2013
Robert Gianni, Philippe Goujon, (2013 )– “Governance frameworks for REsponsible research and innovATion" - international conference: RRI Unbound - Twente University – 8-9 10 2013
Walter Kusters, Robert Gianni, P. Goujon, (2013). ‘CSO participation – governance models: a normative approach’. CONSIDER Expert workshop on CSO participation in research: ‘Governance, consequences, models and pitfalls’. University of Lille II, CERAPS, 26 September 2013.
Robert Gianni, Philippe Goujon, (2013) “What is Distinctive about a Reflexive Socio-normative Approach to Responsible Research and Innovation?” International Conference: Democracy and Technology. Europe in Tension from the 19th to the 21st Century - Universitè Sorbonne / Paris – 21 septembre 2013.
Robert Gianni, Philippe Goujon, (2013) Theoretical development from participatory governance to RRI - - Go4 DG Research European Commission/ Bruxelles 12 September 2013.
Robert Gianni, P. Goujon, (2013) "Governance framework for responsible research and innovation – from top down to participatory approaches", in workshop “Responsible Promise Management as a Key Component of RRI” 11th of September 2013.
Kusters, W., & P. Goujon, P. (2013). ‘Theoretical orientations in analysing the construction of norms in context’. IPSA 2013, 8th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis Societies in Conflict: Experts, Publics and Democracy. Vienna, 3-5 July 2013 (Panel Theme: ‘The Participatory Turn and Scientific Controversies’).
Robert Gianni, P. Goujon, (2013) "Critical Theory: History, actual debate and connections with RRI - limits of procedural and participatory approaches” - international workshop - Methodological Approaches to Critical Management Studies: The Application to Responsible - Friedrich-Alexander University of Nürnberg Nürnberg - 28 05 2013.
Kusters, W., & Goujon, P. (2013) ‘Revisiting the Analytical Grid. Analysing the Construction of Norms in Context’. Methods Meeting: Consequences of the Pre-test Analyses and the Surveys for the Case Study Protocol. CONSIDER research meeting at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Karlsruhe, 18-19 March 2013.
Philippe Goujon, Robert Gianni, (2013) "Identification and governance of Emerging ethical issues in information systems: empirical and theoretical presupposition toward a responsible innovation" Keynote presentation - Colloque Ethique et Systèmes d'Information, pôle de gestion (PUSG) de Bordeaux Bastide, 29 mars 2013 Bordeaux.