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Overview of the project

There is wide agreement that responsible research and innovation is desirable, especially in the wake of the ongoing financial crisis precipitated by the 2007/08 economic crash. Responsibility for innovative practices, of actors involved in innovation and between innovators, policymakers and the wider public are all facets of this broad desire. Responsibility forms a central part of participative research and innovation governance. It can increase the legitimacy of findings and heighten public awareness and discourse as well as making sustainable economic benefits. As a consequence there are numerous attempts to stimulate reflection upon and research into responsible practices and to embed the concepts in research and innovation governance.






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images.jpeg Contact us:

Dr. R. Gianni 


This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n°321480

Info Box

Project type:
Collaborative project

Work program topics addressed:
SiS.2012.1.1.1-1: Governance frameworks for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)

Start date:
February 2013
End date:
Feburary 2016


Dr. Robert Gianni

P. Goujon

Project Officer:
Giuseppe Borsalino

Budget :
€ 1 780 570