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Dr. Mika Nieminen

Dr., Principal Scientist Mika Nieminen has experience of approximately 18 years in research work, project management and expert tasks. In domestic and international research projects he has studied issues which relate to systemic or organizational change in the STI system and related organizations. These topics include e.g. evaluation systems, transformation of university organization, intermediaries, and spin-off companies. He has experience on demanding developmental and administrative tasks in the universities and consultancy work to the ministries. His recent research interests include among others systemic innovations, strategic steering instruments, large socio-technical changes and innovation indicators.

Some of his recent articles include:
-                           The Challenge of Reforming Public Services in Changing Municipal Environment: A Case Study on e-Services). Yhteiskuntapolitiikka (2012, with Sirkku Kivisaari) (A peer reviewed Finnish journal, in finnish only);
-                           University research funding and publication performance - an international comparison. Research Policy 39 (2010) 822-834 (with Otto Auranen);
-                           How Necessary are Intermediary Organizations in the Commercialization of Research?  European Planning Studies,vol 18, 9/2010, 1365-1389 (with Nina Suvinen and Jari Konttinen);
-                           Influence of research funding and science policy on university research performance: a comparison of five countries. Science and Public Policy, 36(6), July 2009, 419-430 (with Laura Himanen, Otto Auranen, and Hanna-Mari Puuska);
-                           Societal and economic engagement of universities - An evaluation model. Higher Education Management and Policy, (2008) Vol. 20, 2. (with Jari Ritsilä, Markku Sotarauta, and Jukka Lahtonen).

Some of his reports and books include e.g.:  

-                           Torsti Loikkanen, Mika Nieminen, Toni Ahlqvist, Olavi Lehtoranta (2012) TEKBARO 2012. Teknologiabarometri kansalaisten asenteista ja kansakunnan suuntautumisesta tietoon perustuvaan yhteiskuntaan. (Technology barometer on the citizens' attitudes towards knowledge based society) Tekniikan Akateemiset TEK ry: Lahti;
-                           Ville Valovirta, Mika Nieminen, Antti Pelkonen ym. (2011) Systeemisen muutoksen haasteet ja innovaatiotoiminnan mahdollisuudet - Tapaustutkimuksia ja politiikkanäkökulmia (Challenges of systemic change and possibilities of innovation - Case studies and policy perspectives). Tekesin katsaus 286/2011. Tekes: Helsinki.
-                           Kirsi Hyytinen, Torsti Loikkanen, Jari Konttinen and Mika Nieminen (2009) The role of public research organizations in the change of the national innovation system in Finland. The Advisory Board for Sectoral Research 6/2009.
-                           Mika Nieminen (2005) Academic Research in Change. Transformation of Finnish University Policies and University Research during the 1990s.Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium 65. The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters: Helsinki.
-                           Mika Nieminen, Erkki Kaukonen (2001) Universities and R&D Networking in a Knowledge-Based Economy. A Glance at Finnish Developments. Sitra: Helsinki.

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Dr. R. Gianni 


This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n°321480

Info Box

Project type:
Collaborative project

Work program topics addressed:
SiS.2012.1.1.1-1: Governance frameworks for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)

Start date:
February 2013
End date:
Feburary 2016


Dr. Robert Gianni

P. Goujon

Project Officer:
Giuseppe Borsalino

Budget :
€ 1 780 570